Advanced Guide: Zero- and First-Party Data Strategies for Retargeting Post-Third-Party Cookies

By now, we all know that third-party cookies across Google are crumbling (with plans to fully deprecate by 2025). And as we inch closer to a reality without third-party cookies, many marketers are left questioning the outlook of their digital advertising strategy:

Will I still be able to reach my ideal audience? How can I achieve the same results? What does it mean for my bottom line?

But fear not, because targeted advertising and marketing personalization aren’t going anywhere. With the right tools and a few adjustments, marketers are well-equipped to make the transition away from third-party cookies and continue reaching their ROAS goals.

In this guide, you’ll learn:

  • How to effectively collect and use zero- and first-party data for precise targeting
  • How industry leaders are future-proofing important strategies like retargeting
  • How to work with your ad provider to prepare for a post-third-party cookie world

Are you ready to succeed in a privacy-forward future? Download the guide today.

Advanced Guide: Zero- and First-Party Data Strategies for Retargeting Post-Third-Party Cookies